29 research outputs found

    An atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor (AT/RT) with molecular features of pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma (PXA) in a 62-year-old patient

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    Atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumors (AT/RT) are aggressively growing malignant embryonal neoplasms of the central nervous system (CNS), which mainly affect young children. Loss of SMARCB1/INI1 (or SMARCA4 in rare cases) is recognized as the genetic hallmark of AT/RTs and these tumors can be distinguished into three distinct DNA-methylation based molecular subgroups (i.e. -MYC, -SHH and -TYR). While most AT/RTs are considered to occur de novo, previous studies have recognized secondary SMARCB1/INI1-deficient rhabdoid tumors arising from other low grade CNS tumors in young patients. Three AT/RTs, which harbor epigenetic and mutational characteristics of pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma (PXA), while being entirely void of nuclear SMARCB1/INI1 expression, were recently described in older children. We here report the first case of an AT/RT with molecular features of PXA in a senior patient.

    Towards Horizon 2020: challenges and advances for clinical mental health research - outcome of an expert survey 

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    BACKGROUND: The size and increasing burden of disease due to mental disorders in Europe poses substantial challenges to its population and to the health policy of the European Union. This warrants a specific research agenda concerning clinical mental health research as one of the cornerstones of sustainable mental health research and health policy in Europe. The aim of this research was to identify the top priorities needed to address the main challenges in clinical research for mental disorders. METHODS: The research was conducted as an expert survey and expert panel discussion during a scientific workshop. RESULTS: Eighty-nine experts in clinical research and representing most European countries participated in this survey. Identified top priorities were the need for new intervention studies, understanding the diagnostic and therapeutic implications of mechanisms of disease, and research in the field of somatic-psychiatric comorbidity. The 'subjectivity gap' between basic neuroscience research and clinical reality for patients with mental disorders is considered the main challenge in psychiatric research, suggesting that a shift in research paradigms is required. CONCLUSION: Innovations in clinical mental health research should bridge the gap between mechanisms underlying novel therapeutic interventions and the patient experience of mental disorder and, if present, somatic comorbidity. Clinical mental health research is relatively underfunded and should receive specific attention in Horizon 2020 funding programs

    Associations of familial risk factors with social fears and social phobia: evidence for the continuum hypothesis in social anxiety disorder?

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    We examined parental psychopathology and family environment in subthreshold and DSM-IV threshold conditions of social anxiety disorder (SAD) in a representative cohort sample of 1,395 adolescents. Offspring and parental psychopathology was assessed using the DIA-X/M-CIDI; recalled parental rearing and family functioning via questionnaire. Diagnostic interviews in parents were supplemented by family history reports from offspring. The cumulative lifetime incidence was 23.07% for symptomatic SAD, and 18.38 and 7.41% for subthreshold and threshold SAD, respectively. The specific parent-to-offspring association for SAD occurred for threshold SAD only. For subthreshold and threshold SAD similar associations were found with other parental anxiety disorders, depression and substance use disorders. Parental rearing behaviour, but not family functioning, was associated with offspring threshold SAD, and although less strong and less consistent, also with subthreshold SAD. Results suggest a continued graded relationship between familial risk factors and offspring SAD. Parental psychopathology and negative parental styles may be used defining high-risk groups to assign individuals with already subthreshold conditions of SAD to early intervention programs

    Predictive Value of Early Postoperative Course of Serum Cortisol After Transsphenoidal Surgery for Cushing's Disease

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    Meier M, Alomari A, Feldkamp J, et al. Predictive Value of Early Postoperative Course of Serum Cortisol After Transsphenoidal Surgery for Cushing's Disease. Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes. 2022.Objective: To identify early available predictors for the long-term outcome of patients after transsphenoidal surgery (TSS) in the management of Cushing's disease. Methods: This single-center, retrospective study included 93 consecutive patients with Cushing's disease (follow-up 12-129 months, mean 48, median 38) who underwent TSS (21 had previous operations elsewhere). Six cases had early re-operation, and the resulting data were evaluated instead of the respective first operation. During the postoperative course, serum cortisol levels were assessed every four hours at least until the next morning. An association of parameters with long-term outcomes was tested using binary logistic regression. Receiver operating characteristic curves were used to determine sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of different cut-off values of serum cortisol in the postoperative course in the event of recurrence after remission. Results: Eighty out of 93 patients (86%) showed postoperative remission (after primary treatment, 60 out of 72 patients, 90.3%). Of these, 8 patients (10%) developed recurrence of hypercortisolism. Compared to patients with persisting long-term remission, those with recurrence differed in cortisol levels starting from 4 pm on the day of surgery plus an event of increasing cortisol during the early postoperative course ("peak"). Binary logistic regression showed the association between a peak of serum cortisol in the early postoperative course with an increased probability of recurrence. Conclusions: Patients with a peak of serum cortisol in the early postoperative course show an increased recurrence rate. A cut-off value of serum cortisol for clear identification of patients with later recurrence could not be determined

    Double adenomas of the pituitary reveal distinct lineage markers, copy number alterations, and epigenetic profiles

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    Purpose!#!Pituitary adenoma (PA) constitutes the third most common intracranial neoplasm. The mostly benign endocrine lesions express no hormone (null cell PA) or the pituitary hormone(s) of the cell lineage of origin. In 0.5-1.5% of surgical specimens and in up to 10% of autopsy cases, two or three seemingly separate PA may coincide. These multiple adenomas may express different hormones, but whether or not expression of lineage-restricted transcription factors and molecular features are distinct within multiple lesions remains unknown.!##!Methods!#!Searching the data bank of the German Pituitary Tumor Registry 12 double pituitary adenomas with diverse lineage were identified among 3654 adenomas and 6 hypophyseal carcinomas diagnosed between 2012 and 2020. The double adenomas were investigated immunohistochemically for expression of hormones and lineage markers. In addition, chromosomal gains and losses as well as global DNA methylation profiles were assessed, whenever sufficient material was available (n = 8 PA).!##!Results!#!In accordance with the literature, combinations of GH/prolactin/TSH-FSH/LH adenoma (4/12), GH/prolactin/TSH-ACTH adenoma (3/12), and ACTH-FSH/LH adenoma (3/12) were observed. Further, two out of 12 cases showed a combination of a GH/prolactin/TSH adenoma with a null-cell adenoma. Different expression pattern of hormones were confirmed by different expression of transcription factors in 11/12 patients. Finally, multiple lesions that were molecularly analysed in 4 patients displayed distinct copy number changes and global methylation pattern.!##!Conclusion!#!Our data confirm and extend the knowledge on multiple PA and suggest that such lesions may origin from distinct cell types

    Glioblastoma multiforme: Metabolic differences to peritumoral tissue and IDH-mutated gliomas revealed by mass spectrometry imaging.

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    Kampa JM, Kellner U, Marsching C, et al. Glioblastoma multiforme: Metabolic differences to peritumoral tissue and IDH-mutated gliomas revealed by mass spectrometry imaging. Neuropathology : official journal of the Japanese Society of Neuropathology. 2020;40(6):546-558.Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common malignant primary brain tumor. High infiltration rates and poor therapy responses make it the deadliest glioma. The tumor metabolism is known to differ from normal one and is influenced through various factors which can lead to longer survival. Metabolites are small molecules (<1500Da) that display the metabolic pathways in the tissue. To determine the metabolic alterations between tumor and peritumoral tissue in human GBMs, mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) was performed on thin sections from 25 resected tumors. In addition, the GBMs were compared with six gliomas harboring a mutation in the isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH1) gene (IDH1). With this technique, a manifold of analytes can be easily visualized on a single tissue section. Metabolites were annotated based on their accurate mass using high resolution MSI. Differences in their mean intensities in the tumor and peritumoral areas were statistically evaluated and abundances were visualized on the tissue. Enhanced levels of the antioxidants ascorbic acid, taurine, and glutathione in tumor areas suggest protective effects on the tumor. Increased levels of purine and pyrimidine metabolism compounds in GBM areas indicate the high energy demand. In accordance with these results, enhanced abundances of lactate and glutamine were detected. Moreover, decreased abundance of N-acetylaspartate, a marker for neuronal health, was measured in tumor areas. Obtained metabolic information could potentially support and personalize therapeutic approaches, hence emphasizing the suitability of MSI for GBM research. © 2020 The Authors. Neuropathology published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd on behalf of Japanese Society of Neuropathology

    Pregnancy and acromegaly: clinical outcomes of retrospectively analysed data from the German acromegaly registry

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    Abstract Context Acromegaly is a rare disease caused by excessive growth hormone (GH) secretion, mostly induced by pituitary adenomas. The care of pregnant women with acromegaly is challenging, in part due to existing clinical data being limited and not entirely consistent with regard to potential risks for mother and child. Objective To retrospectively examine data on pregnancy and maternal as well as neonatal outcomes in patients with acromegaly. Design & methods Retrospective data analysis from 47 pregnancies of 31 women treated in centers of the German Acromegaly Registry. Results 87.1% of the studied women underwent transsphenoidal surgery before pregnancy. In 51.1% a combination of dopamine agonists and somatostatin analogs were used before pregnancy. Three women did not receive any therapy for acromegaly. During pregnancy only 6.4% received either somatostatin analogs or dopamine agonists. In total, 70.2% of all documented pregnancies emerged spontaneously. Gestational diabetes was diagnosed in 10.6% and gravid hypertension in 6.4%. Overall, no preterm birth was detected. Indeed, 87% of acromegalic women experienced a delivery without complications. Conclusion Pregnancies in women with acromegaly are possible and the course of pregnancy is in general safe for mother and child both with and without specific treatment for acromegaly. The prevalence of concomitant metabolic diseases such as gestational diabetes is comparable to the prevalence in healthy pregnant women. Nevertheless, larger studies with more data in pregnant patients with acromegaly are needed to provide safe and effective care for pregnant women with this condition

    Efficacy of Temozolomide Therapy in Patients With Aggressive Pituitary Adenomas and Carcinomas-A German Survey

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    Context: Despite growing evidence that temozolomide (TMZ) therapy is effective for the treatment of aggressive pituitary tumors (APTs) or carcinomas (PCs), individual therapy decisions remain challenging. Objective: We therefore aimed to report on clinical characteristics leading to initiation of TMZ therapy and to add evidence on TMZ long-term effectiveness. Design and subjects: Retrospective survey on TMZ treatment in patients with APTs or PCs. TMZ therapy was initiated in 47 patients (22 females) with APTs (n = 34) or PCs (n = 13). Mean age at diagnosis was 45 +/- 15 years. The immunohistochemical subtypes were corticotroph (n = 20), lactotroph (n = 18), and nonfunctioning (n = 9) tumors. TMZ therapy started 8 years after initial diagnosis using a standard regimen (median 6 cycles) for the majority of patients. Results: Long-term radiological response to TMZ after a median follow-up of 32 months with 4 patients still on TMZ therapy was tumor regression for 9 (20%), stable disease for 8 (17%), and tumor progression for 29 patients (63%) (outcome data available for 46 patients). Progression occurred 16 months after initiation of TMZ. Median estimated progression-free survival was 23 months. Disease stabilization and median progression-free survival did not differ between patients with APTs or PCs. Predictors of tumor response were not identified. Overall, TMZ was well tolerated. Conclusion: We performed a nationwide survey on TMZ therapy in patients with APTs and PCs. While early response rates to TMZ are promising, long-term outcome is less favorable. Prolonged TMZ administration should be considered. We were not able to confirm previously reported predictors of tumor response to TMZ

    Towards Horizon 2020: challenges and advances for clinical mental health research - outcome of an expert survey 

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    BACKGROUND: The size and increasing burden of disease due to mental disorders in Europe poses substantial challenges to its population and to the health policy of the European Union. This warrants a specific research agenda concerning clinical mental health research as one of the cornerstones of sustainable mental health research and health policy in Europe. The aim of this research was to identify the top priorities needed to address the main challenges in clinical research for mental disorders. METHODS: The research was conducted as an expert survey and expert panel discussion during a scientific workshop. RESULTS: Eighty-nine experts in clinical research and representing most European countries participated in this survey. Identified top priorities were the need for new intervention studies, understanding the diagnostic and therapeutic implications of mechanisms of disease, and research in the field of somatic-psychiatric comorbidity. The 'subjectivity gap' between basic neuroscience research and clinical reality for patients with mental disorders is considered the main challenge in psychiatric research, suggesting that a shift in research paradigms is required. CONCLUSION: Innovations in clinical mental health research should bridge the gap between mechanisms underlying novel therapeutic interventions and the patient experience of mental disorder and, if present, somatic comorbidity. Clinical mental health research is relatively underfunded and should receive specific attention in Horizon 2020 funding programs